
Book Graphics, Ebooks &
White Papers

I designed book covers, ebooks, and white paper reports for various clients.

Project: Book Illustrations and Data Visualization.
Book Title: We Started with Respect
Author Name: George Saiz
Description: “We Started with Respect” is a fictional business novel that focuses on culture and leadership. The book aims to provide insights into how leaders can build a strong, respectful culture within their organizations.

I played a key role in bringing my client’s book to life by creating eye-catching illustrations and making data easy to understand through visuals. I organized information neatly in tables, added icons for clarity, and used smart formatting. The result? A book that not only reads well but looks great too!
Skills: Creativity, Illustration, Typography, Data Visualization, Adobe Creative Cloud Apps (InDesign, Illustrator)

Project: White Paper Design
Book Title: A Manufacturing Marshall Plan
Author Name: Glen Marshall
Description: A Manufacturing Marshall Plan: Revitalizing the post-pandemic economy by bringing manufacturing capabilities and jobs back to North America.

For this white paper design project, my objective was to create a visually engaging cover that conveys hope, optimism, and energy during the pandemic. To achieve this, I used bright colors and an image of a robot with an open lock, which represents the potential for new opportunities and job creation through industry 4.0 and new technology.

I started the design process by researching the target audience and the client’s goals for the white paper. Next, I ideated and sketched different concepts until I settled on the final design. The result is a cover that effectively communicates the message of the white paper and grabs the viewer’s attention.

Size: 8.5″ by 11″ in Interactive PDF Format.
Skills: Page Layout, Typography, Adobe Creative Cloud Apps (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop), Ebook Design, Interactive PDF Design Skills, Image Manipulation

Book Title: A Manufacturing Marshall Plan
Author Name: Glen Marshall