Virtual Conference Design

AME Virtual Conference 2021

Theme: AME Everywhere

AME (Association for Manufacturing Excellence) hosted its 37th annual conference virtually through the CrowdCompass platform. It was an effort to provide valuable content live and on-demand in the middle of a pandemic.

The objective was to provide content online that members can access from anywhere using mobile, iPad, and, Android devices. For a better user experience, the use of the ideal image size for each platform was crucial.

I designed sharp and engaging graphics, icons, banners, defining their color palette, primary, secondary and, background color, that helps to provide clarity and a better user experience.

Project Type: Virtual Conference App Design on CrowdCompass

Designs Included:
Digital – Home Screen Background Image, Splash Image for iPhone & iPad Screen Size in Portrait & Landscape Format, Banners & Icons, Website Landing Page

Skills: Adobe Photoshop CC, Iconography, Color Management, UI (User Interface) Design